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1、二十世纪六十年代 美国社会The 1960s, American society is brought到了革命的边缘to the verge of revolution,在社会的动荡之中and in the midst of this social turmoil有个叫西德尼蒙茨辛格的人is Sidney Muntzinger.这里稍微修一下 上面剪短点Just, you got to trim a little and take a little off the top.就剪这里You know, right here would be very good.本来上面就没什么头发Theres

2、not too much on the top to begin with.我知道 但你也知道Yeah, no, I know, but you know,就这里 对了 我撕了一页杂志here, I tore a picture out of a magazine,我想 如果你能做到and I thought, you know, if you could do this,就剪成这样just shape it like that.那是詹姆斯迪恩啊Thats James Dean.对啊 如果你能剪成这样Yeah, and if you could do that,我希望就照着这样剪you kno

3、w, Id like that kind of cut there.我可没法把你剪成詹姆斯迪恩I cant make you look like James Dean.不 我知道 我也不指望No, I know, I dont expect that, obviously,但越接近越好but, you know, come as close as you can.不管我怎么帮你剪 西德尼I can work on your hair for ten years Sidney,你永远也不可能像詹姆斯迪恩的youre never gonna look like James Dean.我知道 多米尼

4、克I understand Dominic, I get it,但我只要求你尽力就行了but you know, give it your best shot, is all Im asking.好吧 好吧Okay, all right, all right.我看完了你最新的小说So I finished your last novel.很好Mm-hmm, okay.花了我一整个冬天的时间Finally, took all winter.怎么会 就是个中篇小说啊Why? It was just a novella.连两百页都没到It was not even 200 pages.我一直犯困We

5、ll, I kept dozing off.你起床起得早嘛Well, you know, you know, you get up early,所以那个时候.so those hours.我还以为我有睡眠问题呢I thought I might have a sleep disorder,比如嗜睡症like narcolepsy, you know?但我医生说是因为书的原因But my doctor said it was the book.当我在床上读书时 除非剧情很吸引人See when I read in bed, my eyes get tired或者有些有趣的地方 否则我就会很困un

6、less Im really gripped, or at least somewhat interested.别动耳朵这里的头发I really. Dont trim the ears.别剪耳朵这里 保持原样就好Leave my ears full, same size as when I came in.至少我得喜欢里面的角色 才不会困吧At least if I care about the characters, you know,就算一个也好even one of them.文学品味是件很私人的事情Well, you know, literature is a very person

7、al taste.我都不会称它为文学I wouldnt exactly call it literature,虽然比你上一本要好多了although I liked it better than your last one.这一本至少故事连贯This one was at least coherent.我上一本是后现代风格 所以.My last one was postmodern, so.没错 那本就写得乱七八糟Yeah, it was totally incoherent, totally.这可不叫乱七八糟 多米尼克I wouldnt exactly call it incoherent,

8、 Dominic.得了吧 那故事内容就和一个疯子Oh, come on, it was like the ravings一个神经病of a madman, a lunatic,或者说是一个智障在胡说八道一样or lets say a guy with limited intelligence.没错.Uh, yes, well.那角色身上有你的影子I saw a lot of you in that character.好吧 你能专心理发吗Yeah, can you just cut the hair?那你在写新书了吗So youre writing another?还是说你的出版商破产了Or

9、did I read your publisher went bankrupt?我现在在帮电视剧写剧本Um, Im working on an idea for a television series now.这个应该对你来说简单点Ah, probably an easier medium for you.但别把电视剧写得乱七八糟了But dont make the TV show incoherent.不会的 我会尽力让它有理有据的No, Im gonna do my best to keep it rational.- 所以. - 关于什么的- So, you know. - Whats

10、it about?家庭主题Its a family thing, you know.我知道 一般都是个不健康的家庭Oh, I see, the usual dysfunctional family有会说俏皮话的妻子和孩子with the wise-cracking wife and kids还有快烦疯了的丈夫之类的吗and much-harassed husband kind of thing?对吧 对Yeah? Yeah.好主题 你知道吗Good idea. You know what?不用另辟蹊径了Stick with what works for other people.让他们骂陈词滥

11、调吧 有什么呢Let em say clich? What do you care?笑到最后的还不是你Youll be humiliated all the way to the bank.我没说陈词滥调 就是.I didnt say clich? It was.听着 没什么好难为情Look, theres no stigma, you know?因为和书相比 电视剧Just because a TV series is considered lowbrow就是让人觉得低一等compared to a book, come on.没错 但电视剧赚钱啊Yeah, well, its, you k

12、now, very lucrative,写小说可不怎么赚钱and, uh, theres not a lot of money in novels, so.是啊 除非你是塞林格 可惜你不是No, not unless youre Salinger, which youre not.你老婆还在工作吗Your wife still work?在啊 她在家里接待客户Oh, yeah, she sees people up at the house,但人数有限 不像以前那么多了but limited, you know, not as much anymore.如果婚姻出现了问题 你会找谁咨询How

13、do you decide if someones marriage goes bad,婚姻咨询顾问 还是心理医生between a marriage counselor and a shrink?这俩选择可很不一样啊Well, theyre very different, you know.凯是干婚姻咨询的Kay, Kay is a marriage counselor.和心理医生完全不同A shrink is a completely different thing.我喜欢你之前给我看的 你家里的照片I love the picture you showed me of your hous

14、e,顺便说一句 很漂亮by the way. It was really beautiful.我真的很幸运 我一想到Im a very lucky guy, you know, when I think of it,有一个可爱的老婆 一段很美妙的婚姻I got a lovely wife. I got a great marriage.有一个很棒的孙子 我就.I got great grandchildren. I, you know.我就. 我也不知道怎么说I just live. I dont know.我很幸运 很幸运Im blessed. Im blessed.是啊 乔布也曾是这样 但

15、没嘚瑟多久Yeah, so was Job. Then one, two, three,就拜拜了God fucked him over.告诉我 贝尔曼夫妇So tell me, Mr. And Mrs. Bellman,你们的婚姻 到底是有什么困难exactly what marital difficulties才到这来的bring you here today?我们出现了分歧We argue.不是什么金钱物质的分歧We dont argue about material things.比如 他想住城里For instance, he wants to live in the city;我想住

16、乡下I want to live in the country.他不希望我工作 但我想He doesnt want me to work; I want to work.我喜欢运动 她不喜欢I love sports; she hates sports.我喜欢电影 她不喜欢I love movies; she hates movies.我喜欢下馆子 她喜欢在家里吃I love restaurants; she likes to eat at home.他不喜欢我做的菜He hates my cooking.我忍受不了他打呼I cant stand his snoring.也忍受不了他无聊的笑话

17、I cant stand his terrible jokes.我讨厌她笑I hate her laugh.我讨厌她喜欢去购物 然后花好多钱I hate that she loves to shop and runs up the bills.我无法忍受他的吝啬 铁公鸡一个I cant stand that hes frugal, a cheapskate,还喜欢乱给小费 装大款and yet an embarrassing over-tipper, plays the big shot.她睡觉开窗She sleeps with the window open.我得开空调I need air-

18、conditioning.他拒绝旅游 一点都不浪漫He refuses to travel. He isnt romantic.不记得我的生日和结婚纪念日He doesnt remember my birthday or anniversary.她觉得我对她没有性上的吸引力She doesnt find me sexually appealing.他不待见我的家庭Uh, he cant stand my family.她不喜欢古典乐 还必须养狗She hates classical music and must have a dog,可我讨厌狗and I hate dogs.那你们有意见一致的

19、时候吗So, um, are there any things that you agree on?我们都不喜欢鳄梨色拉酱Neither one of us likes guacamole.好的 那就是个开始啊Okay, thats a beginning.我的意思是 很明显 你们两个彼此相爱I mean, its really obvious that the two of you而且 我们应该能从鳄梨色拉酱开始love each other, and I think we can build on guacamole.凯Kay?我回来了Im home.我在办公室Uh, in the off

20、ice.我的发型怎么样How do you like my haircut?你剪头了吗Oh, you got a haircut?是啊 你看不出来吗Yeah, you cant tell?我像谁Who do I look like?什么意思What do you mean?我像哪个演员What actor do I look like?- 你像什么演员 - 对啊- What actor do you look like? - Mm-hmm.让我想想Um, let me think for a minute.富兰克林潘伯恩Franklin Pangborn.- 谁 - 富兰克林潘伯恩- Who?

21、 - Franklin Pangborn.谁是富兰克林潘伯恩Who is Franklin Pangborn?他在电影里 演一个矫揉造作He seems sort of a mincing, effeminate little actor娘娘腔的导购员 非常棒who plays a floor walker in movies, and hes just great.真的 他只演一些小角色He really is. He has only minor roles.但他有一个很蠢的胡子But he has a silly mustache,W.C.菲尔兹在很多电影里取笑他W.C. Fields

22、makes fun of him in a lot of movies.我可不是想剪成那样 凯Thats not what I had in mind, Kay.再仔细看看Look, look more closely.小以利沙库克吗Elisha Cook Jr.?算了 算了 算了Forget it. Forget it. Forget it.有什么新闻吗 发生了什么事.Whats new? Anything happen today or.越南发生了一起大屠杀事件Uh, there was a massacre of civilians in Vietnam.密歇根州一所大学发生了暴乱The

23、re was a riot in a college in Michigan.旧金山 还发生了一起炸弹事件And in San Francisco, there was a bombing而且黑色解放军越狱.and a jailbreak by the Black Liberation.行 家里有什么事 什么好消息Yeah, but did anything happen at home, any good news,有什么有趣的.anything interesting, or.有 他们修好了电视Yes, they fixed the television set.太好了Oh, great.

24、正好赶上了棒球开赛 太棒了So right in time for the baseball season, terrific.没错 今天整天都在播棒球Yes, baseball all day long today.- 女孩们 - 谁啊- Oh, the girls. - Whos that?女孩子们来了The girls, the girls are here.天哪 不会又是那个傻不拉几的读书会吧Oh, God, not that silly book club.只有一小时而已Oh, it takes only an hour,珍妮和道格要过来and Jane and Doug are c

25、oming over他们会带牛排来 你可以and theyre gonna bring steaks, and you can grill用你的新烤肉炉一展身手了on your new barbecue and work it out.嗨 请进Hello, hi. Come on in!嗨Hi.- 你好 - 嗨- Hello. - Hi.- 很高兴见面 - 嗨 亲爱的- Good to see you. - Hi. Hi, sweetie.- 嗨 你好 - 你好- Hello. Hello. - Hello.- 嗨 - 嗨- Hi. - Hi.所以.So.有天早上 他醒来He wakes up

26、 one morning,变成了一只巨大的蟑螂and hes turned into a giant cockroach.我讨厌科幻I hate science fiction!这不是科幻 是一种象征Its not science fiction. Its supposed to be symbolic.对吧 如果我没理解错的话Right? Or am I reading this wrong?没错 但作者已经超出No, but the author has already我理解范围了 我是说.left me behind, I mean.虫子能象征什么What does the insect

27、 symbolize?虫子显然承受着低尊严的痛苦The insect obviously suffers from low self-esteem.还有罪恶感From guilt.有没有可能是来自于原罪Could it be from original sin?我们是否考虑到了Um, have we ever considered the relationship卡夫卡与他父亲的关系of Kafka to his father?他是弑父娶母的那个人吗Is he the one who kills his father and marries his mother?天哪 听她讲的什么话 那是赫拉

28、克勒斯God, listen to her. Thats Hercules.天啊 这是台最新款的产品Oh, Jesus, this is a state-of-the-art machine,我不会弄 开不起来and I cant work it. It wont work.看看这牛排Here, here, look at these steaks.从内布拉斯加寄过来的We got em shipped in from Nebraska.我觉着快下大雨了You know, I think were gonna get a storm.我们进去 在炉子里烤吧Lets go in and make

29、 em in the stove.天啊 为什么是个智障都能做烤肉Oh, God, why can every mental defective barbecue,而我连烤架都打不开and I cant get the barbecue to go?我以为你不吃牛排的I didnt even think you ate steak.对 我读过一篇杂志文章Yeah, I read an article in a magazine that said里面说如果你摒却一切人间享乐you can add years to your life你能延寿好几年if you avoid anything ple

30、asurable.天啊 这东西我搞不定啊Jesus, I cant get this thing to work,它真是. 不管我怎么弄 它都开不起来It just. no matter what I do, it doesnt work.S. J. 蒙茨辛格S. J. Muntzinger,是个非常非常有才华的作家hes a brilliant author, brilliant,但却不会换保险丝but he cant change a fuse.你真的是从 为广告商工作Is it true that you began as a writer而开始写作生涯的吗for an advertis

31、ing agency?斯蒂尔曼的整容冰激凌He wrote the commercials广告文案就是他写的for Stillmans Orthopedic Ice Cream.当时他们想降低糖和脂肪的含量Yeah, they were trying to play down the sugar所以我想到了这个主意and fat content, so I came up with the idea如果把它取名为整容冰激凌that if they called it Orthopedic Ice Cream,一定会大卖的itd be a big seller.- 我记得那些广告 - 没错- I

32、 remember those! - Yeah!对了 首先 艾伦和埃莉今晚要Oh, for starters Allen and Ellie are gonna be和我们一同晚餐having dinner with us tonight.谁Who?艾伦 和我们Allen, the boy同住的那个男孩whos staying with us.噢 他啊Oh him, oh, well,我可不会管他叫做男孩了I wouldnt call him a boy.他还算是个孩子呢 年纪不大Hes kind of a boy. I mean, hes young,而且他父母跟我们是很好的朋友and hi

33、s parents are very good friends of ours,他还在读商学硕士呢and hes taking his masters in business.他父母很保守So, uh, theyre very conservative,而纽约大学又在格林威治村里and NYU is way down in Greenwich Village,所以他们担心. 他们不想让他and theyre afraid. they dont want him接触嬉皮士或瘾君子 所以.to meet any hippies or druggies, so.他是个非常正统的孩子Yeah, hes

34、 a very straight kid.大概一个月后 他们要来见埃莉And theyre coming down in about a month to meet Ellie,就是他的未婚妻who. his fiance,她是个非常 非常可爱的女孩and shes a lovely girl, lovely girl.给他们说说 是谁介绍他们俩认识的Hey, tell em who introduced the two of em.是S. J. 蒙茨辛格S. J. Muntzinger introduced them.没错 我当时在城区的一间画廊Yeah, I was downtown at

35、 art gallery这位漂亮的金发姑娘也在那and theres this pretty blonde there,我跟她聊了聊 她很有教养 家境优渥and Im talking to her, and shes educated and rich.我想她配艾伦正合适You know, I figured this is it for Allen.她可是位名媛 刚刚准备谈婚论嫁Shes a debutante. She came out.做父母的简直别无所求 不是吗Thats all the parents had to hear, you know?他们觉着他像是要娶格蕾丝凯莉似的The

36、y think that hes marrying Grace Kelly.太好了Oh, thats so great.他们感情很好So they fell in love?没错 简直热恋Yeah, completely.我打赌他们会有场盛大婚礼Oh, I bet theyll have a big wedding.当你孩子们谈恋爱了 那感觉真是太浪漫了Oh its so romantic when your kids fall in love.你想念不在家的孩子们了吧You miss the kids not being home?你们真该见见我们的孙子Oh, you should see

37、our grandson.他长得像罗伯特雷德福 还非常聪明He looks like Robert Redford, and hes brilliant.罗伯特雷德福Robert Redford.你知道你剪了这个发型之后像谁吗You know who you look like with that haircut?- 我才想起来 - 谁- I just realized. - Whos that?你知道珀西赫尔顿那个演员吗You know the actor Percy Helton?谁Who?珀西赫尔顿Percy Helton.珀西赫尔顿 我看出来了Percy Helton, I see i

38、t.- 没错吧 - 对 真像- Right? - Yeah, its perfect!他总演那种畏畏缩缩的You know, he always played a kind of cringing,尖声细气的那种失意小人物squeaky-voiced little loser.我们进去吧Lets go inside.我们在屋里做牛排Well cook the steaks inside,因为今晚会有雷阵雨cause theres gonna be an electrical storm tonight,而且这个炉子怎么也点不起来and this is not gonna ever work,简

39、直是一场灾难and its a catastrophe.没错 星相充满混乱能量Oh, yes, there was turbulence in the stars.我今天算了我们所有人的星相You know, I did all of our horoscopes today,显示你和凯会经历某种and it said that you and Kay were in for some kind充满震惊的经历of a shocking experience.好吧Oh, well.你们的父母互相还没见过面呢是吧So your parents havent met hers yet?其实他们在电话

40、上聊过了Well, actually theyve spoken to each other on the phone,而且他们非常合得来and they hit it off well.在广场饭店举行婚礼Oh, a wedding at The Plaza,听起来多么典雅it sounds so elegant.我们当初在新奥尔良What was the hotel结婚的那家酒店叫什么来着that we got married in, in New Orleans?蝎子酒店The Scorpion.蝎子酒店The Scorpion.你们的蜜月打算去哪Where will you honeym

41、oon?欧洲吧Um, Europe?罗马 雅典Rome, Athens.道格和我今年秋天要去游轮旅行Oh, Doug and I are going on a cruise this fall.要去希腊各岛Yeah, were going to the Greek islands.我知道这么问有点蠢 你们要来吗I know its silly to ask, if you want to come?西德对于游轮.Well, um, Sid on a cruise.游轮是在船上吗Is the cruise on a boat?当然Definitely.- 也在水上 - 是很大的船- On wat

42、er too. - Its a big boat.我知道 它不会晃Im sure, and it doesnt rock,但只要你一上去 它就开始晃了except as soon as you get on it, it rocks.如果你们要去坐游轮 我就说两个词Um, let me say two words to you, if youre going on a cruise,就两个 食物中毒 好吧 简直不可避免two words, food poisoning, okay, inevitable.然后当你在大西洋正中央的时候And then youre out in the middl

43、e of the Atlantic,半夜十二点 你阑尾穿孔了its 12 midnight, your appendix bursts.他们有直升机Well, they have helicopters.可以立即把你送到医院They can take you right to a hospital.你要坐直升飞机 那种用一根小螺栓You gonna go on a helicopter, with the little pin that连接那些叶片 就用一根小螺栓holds the blades, the little tiny pin连接着那些叶片的玩意吗holds those blades

44、?你愿意在什么异国他乡的医院And you want to be operated on in a hospital动手术.in some foreign.你愿意在喀麦隆动心脏手术吗You want open-heart surgery in the Cameroons?西德除了家里哪也不想去Sid doesnt like to be any where but home就缩在他被窝里 电视上and in his own little spot on the bed with a ball game放着球赛 就行了playing on the television,他不希望日常生活规律被打乱a

45、nd he likes his routine to be unruffled.我得说我很赞同他You know, I got to say I agree with him.你硕士毕业之后想干什么So what are you gonna do after you get your masters?艾伦打算接手他父亲的生意Allens going to go into his fathers business.什么生意Oh, whats that?资产管理Um, money management.或许我该跟你父亲聊聊Oh, maybe I should talk to your father

46、.不行 他父亲从来不接No, his father doesnt handle any client身家百万以下的客户that doesnt have a million dollars.- 百万美元 - 没错- A million dollars? - Yeah.好吧 我有. 我看看Thats all right. Ive got, uh, let me see.大概 五十 五十四 嗯 五十四美元Its like, you know, $50, $54, $54.抱歉. 我们要失陪了You guys have to. You got to excuse us.- 我们得走了 - 不会吧- W

47、e, uh, should get going. - Oh no!我们要去市中心听一场特别棒的民谣演奏会Were going to see some great folk music downtown.- 噢 民谣 - 是啊- Oh, folk music, wow. - Yeah.- 没错 - 好吧 批准你们了- Yes. - Well, youre excused!- 谢谢 - 非常感谢- Thank you. - Thank you very much.- 很高兴认识您 - 我也是- It was a pleasure to meet you. - You too.- 很高兴见到您 -

48、我也一样- Lovely to meet you. - So nice to meet you.- 恭喜结婚 - 谢谢- Congratulations! - Thank you.还有甜点呢 对吧Theres dessert, right?我们是否要移步到起居室 喝杯咖啡Well, so shall we go to the den and have coffee?他们真是可爱的一对They make such a nice couple.是啊 感觉自己又年轻了I know. Ha, to be young again.我可不要变年轻Not me, I would not like to be

49、 young然后被运去越南打仗and get shipped off to Vietnam.看新闻 看新闻The news, the news.噢不 别让我难过啊Oh, no, dont depress me.天哪 你曾想过有一天Oh, boy, did you ever think会看到美国成了这个样子吗youd see America like this?这么极端 这些暴动So polarized, you know, these riots,黑人和白人之间uh, black versus white,男性和女性之间uh, male versus female,还有年轻人和老人之间的战争y

50、oung versus old?人们将会持续罢工These strikes will continue知道越南战争结束until the Vietnam War ends,而目前看来 这场战争仿佛没有尽头and there is no end to this war in sight.我讨厌这该死的战争I hate this stupid war.我懂 你知道吧 我们朋友的孩子 上个星期Oh, I know. You know, our friends kids wanted us想要我们去华盛顿游行to go and demonstrate in Washington last week,但

51、是 我就觉得自己过了游行的年纪了but I dont know. I think Im too old for that.要是我我就去了 不过西德.Well, I would have gone, but Sid.行了 行了 算了吧Yeah, yeah, forget it!你知道的 我对催泪瓦斯过敏You know, Im allergic to tear gas.那新郎官艾伦呢Well, what about Allen the bridegroom?他不怕被应召入伍吗I mean, isnt he worried about being drafted and sent over?他不符

52、合条件 好像是有椎间盘突出什么的Hes 4F. Hes got a herniated thing.我一直都不符合条件 我挺骄傲的I was always 4F, proud of it.我心理上不适合I was psychologically unfit.征兵的地方告诉他的The draft board told him that.- 不是吧 - 我很骄傲我服过役- No. - You know, I served proudly.我有一块紫心勋章呢I, uh, have a Purple Heart.我还黄条纹胆小呢I had a yellow streak.革命团体自称The revol

53、utionary group that calls themselves宪法的解放军the Constitutional Liberation Army.目前有六所学校 发生了动乱Riots broke out on half a dozen college campuses抗议战争protesting the war以及当前政府的政策and the present administrations policies.西德尼和凯 他们人都很好啊Theyre very nice people, Sidney and Kay.是啊 西德尼Oh, yeah, well, Sidney,是我爸爸老朋友之

54、一了hes one of my fathers oldest friends,他们关系很好and they get along great,除非说到越南的事unless the subject of Vietnam comes up of course.西德尼是自由党的吗Sidneys a liberal?不 凯是自由党的No, Kay is a liberal.西德 就是只驼鸟Sid, hes an ostrich,有事就把头埋进沙子里 你知道吧lives his life with his head in the sand, you know?而我爸是典型的 奥兰治县人And, Dad,

55、hes that classic Orange County type.天啊 能住去加利福利亚州实在是太好了Oh, God, I love the idea of living in California.我有很多朋友都在那边Ive got so many friends out there.你在想什么呢What are you thinking about?我不知道 有时候对于没有服役这件事I dont know. Sometimes I just feel this我总有极大的愧疚感tremendous guilt over not getting drafted, you know?我是

56、说 我真的想接手我爸爸的生意吗I mean, do I really want to go into my fathers business?我有很多在政治方面很活跃的朋友Just, so many of my friends, theyre politically active,我们生活在这个令人激动的年代and, you know, were living in these exciting times事物都在不停变化中where things are constantly changing.或许我该上法学院的Maybe I should go into law school,学宪法之类的

57、do constitutional law, I dont know.法律很不错啊Law is fascinating.我有好多同学And so many of my classmates,都去了越南 在服役 在战斗theyre over in Vietnam, and theyre serving and fighting,有些人为国捐躯了 为了什么呢and some of em are dying, and for what?你别想太多了Well, you cant think about that too much.会逼疯你的Itll drive you nuts.有椎间盘突出这毛病 你

58、就感恩吧Be thankful you have a herniated disk.也是吧I guess.我很喜欢你在这些想法中挣扎的样子I do love that you struggle with those thoughts.挣扎就对了Struggles right.真是够把人逼疯的了Its enough to drive you crazy.我爱你I love you.我们的孩子以后得叫西德尼We have to name one of our kids after Sidney,或者S. J. 蒙茨辛格吧or S. J. Muntzinger,他平常都煞有介事地这么写as he p

59、retentiously writes under.他给我们做的介绍He did introduce us.好吧 或许吧Yes, uh, maybe.他是个好孩子Hes a great kid, you know?他的父母就该为了我撮合了他俩And his parents should give me a medal给我一块勋章for bringing the two of them together,因为那个姑娘because the girl is exactly正是他们心目中的完美儿媳what they always wanted for him.她既聪明 又可爱Shes bright.

60、 Shes lovely.还受过教育Shes educated.也很有教养Shes cultivated, you know.她也不是那种疯狂又吸毒的嬉皮士Shes not one of those crazy, dope-smoking hippies.年轻的爱情啊 真浪漫Young love, its so romantic.我知道 我知道 看到他们感觉真甜蜜I know. I know. Its sweet to see them.你还记得你那时候Do you remember when you were trying想从亨利古德温手上抢走我吗to get me away from He




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